Today I was sitting in my bed just surveying my room when I realized how many things I have around me that are terribly sentimental. I'm really big on material objects having stories or significance- I like keepsakes. A friend of mine calls his special souvenirs from wonderful experiences his "romentos", a combination of romance and mementos. I think about that quite a bit because I think it's wonderful to remember the full and beautiful experiences we live through. So, here are just a few objects sitting around me that are highly special. I hope you enjoy and look around your room for things that mean the world to you not for what they are, but for what they mean to you.
1) Dirt jar
This is a little jar of clay red dirt I got last summer in Togo. We were going to a village for a well digging ceremony and we stood in this gaping round hole in the ground that was the future home of the well. (See picture below)

Afterwards, I pulled a ziplock bag out and kneeled down to scoop up some of that vibrant red dirt. A group of a dozen or so men from the village just surrounded me and stared at me. They didn't understand why I wanted the dirt, how I thought it was beautiful and wanted to take some home with me as a keepsake. For a few seconds they just stared at me like I was crazy and then before I knew it, all of them had plunged their hands into the ground to gather up dirt for me. They all pitched in and in just a quick short seconds, they had filled the entire bag with dirt. I didn't need but a fraction of that amount of dirt, but their help and thoughtfulness touched my little heart so dearly that I just thanked them and walked away with my pound of African dirt. I like my little bottle of dirt because it reminds me of that trip. It was a particularly hard trip for me and it's taken almost a year to fully reflect on my time in Togo and recognize some of the grand changes that happened within me and outside of me there, for better or for worse. All my friends on my team and all my friends that I met there, I miss greatly. I treasure that time I spent there and think about it often.

2) My victorian ring
I got this ring for Christmas a year ago from my sister. It is so incredibly precious to me. My sisters life and my life have recently begun to grow together and I can honestly tell you, it is one of the happiest beginnings of my life. Having her by my side cultivates this strength inside of me like nothing I've ever felt before. As the little sister, I look up to her. I notice the way she treats people, the way she lives her life and enjoys her life. I see her creativity and her originality and am instantly inspired. The other day she was explaining her attachment to a tattoo that she has and I was loving every minute of it. Because everything that she was telling me about her being inspired to be strong, independent, kind and "the head bitch in charge", that's everything she inspires me to be. My respect for her is great. My relationship with her has become one of the most important relationships in my life and I can't wait for it to continue to grow and strengthen. I adore her, I adore her.

3) The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society!
Although this was a sweet little book, it's significance to me is the family that gave it to me. I've had a best friend for a very long time. We sat next to each other on the bus in 7th grade and have been dear friends ever since. She is the kindest and sweetest girl you will ever meet and she is absolutely a 'chip off the old block'. Her and her mother have held such special places in my life. Her mother is the most genuinely hospitable and caring woman I have ever met in my whole entire life. And her daughter has wonderful received all of those qualities as well. Their family has done nothing but accept me, love me and support me. There is true love woven throughout them and I feel absolutely blessed to have them in my life. Even this book was something given to me to experience, to enjoy. They share so much with those around them. And dear God, that is one of the most beautiful qualities. To share that which makes you happy? It makes me tear up just thinking about it.

4) My Puerto Rico bracelet
I've never been to Puerto Rico before but a dear friend of mine went last summer and brought this back for me. I wear it often and appreciate it because it reminds me of the person who gave it as a gift to me. The friendship that we have is so dear to my heart. This person has taught me so much just with their actions. I've seen wild examples of strength and humility and care through this person, it's absolutely inspirational. This person is going to have a wonderful life, I've always thought this. One of my all time favorite qualities of this person is that under no circumstances do they take themselves seriously. Oh, how I admire this. And if I didn't mention, this is one of the funniest (most ridiculous) people I've ever known. The laughs are always with us.
5) My Memory Books!!!
Oh my, oh my. For Christmas this year, two of my closest friends both made me a memory book. I miss these two girls more than anything in the world. Each book was filled with so many sweet, sweet memories and an abundance of inside jokes. I've been in a transition phase for a while now, but having these two individuals in my life have made it a possible journey. They support me and adore me. I love that I know them. I love that they are my friends. I love them, I love them, I love them.
Flipping through these two books bring me so much comfort. Have you ever been overwhelmingly loved? These two overwhelmingly love me. And that makes me blessed.
6) My picture frame with friends
I really adore this picture and this frame. All 4 of these girls (notice the fourth one in the back creepin') have supplied me with so many fabulous memories. The shenanigans we got ourselves into. The traditions. The jokes. Some of my best years were with these girls. It makes me all tingly to think of everything we did together. Such a great group of friends and each one of them are BRILLIANT. They are hilarious, talented, beautiful and just plain wonderful human beings. I plan on having them in my life for quite a while. I want one of these pictures taken when we are all in our 60s sipping margaritas. Dear, dear friendship.