Friday, January 7, 2011

Seven 'worth it' movies

I've been watching a lot of movies lately. And after hitting a couple dozen movies that left me slightly frowning and thinking "You know, that just really wasn't worth it." I decided I'd share a few movies that I really do think are worth it. These are basically just 7 rockin' movies that I highly recommend. So if you get a chance this chilly January, check a few of these bad boys out.

1) Amelie. 
This movie may or may not be my favorite one out there. A darling little french film, a perfect match for quirky romantics who make eye contact too often. I have dear memories of watching this movie with old friends and then saying things like "That's so Amelie of you!" If you've ever heard the saying "Even artichokes have hearts." and didn't know what they meant, if you watch this movie, you'll be dropping it in conversations before you even know it. Check out this little gem. It's beautiful and worth the subtitle reading.

2. The Shawshank Redemption
I watched this movie recently for the first time after having someone I knew stop me in a Best Buy and say "Wait. You've never seen The Shawshank Redemption? And you call yourself a movie fan." I was slightly embarrassed and a little annoyed due to the fact that I could hardly compete with his impressive knowledge of movies. But, I swallowed my pride and saw this movie. And man, was it worth it. I know, I know. It's been a top movie for a long time. But this is such a wonderful classic. Look for "Brooks was here." I know it's a little morbid, but it's one of my favorite parts of the movie.

3. Frida
This is such a beautiful film. Salma Hayek is wild and bold, wonderfully portraying dear Frida with just as much as color as one of her paintings. Visually, this is one of my favorite movies. It will inspire you from beginning to end, that's for sure. Inspire you to paint murals, visit mexico, get drunk, fight hard, love harder, be extraordinary and maybe even have a love affair with someone "no good". And it will definitely make you want to crack open some history books.

4. Chocolat
Oh my, what a movie. This is a lovely movie about a brave woman who moves to a french village with her daughter. In the middle of Lent. To open a chocolate shop. And of course, there's Johnny Depp as a gypsy. There's a lot of love in this film. And a little bit of kick.

5. Waiting for Guffman
Okay, guys. If you haven't seen this bad boy, please. Go rent it. Netflix it. I'm giggling to myself just thinking about this movie. This gem is a clever mockumentary about (opens feathered fan like Cameron from Modern family)...the Theatre. Too funny and too ridiculous. Christopher Guest has a funky little taste of humor and you should check out some of his other works such as Best in Show (You'll never look at a Dog Show the same). Please see this movie. And then we can impersonate the characters together.

6. Moonstruck
I added this movie to the list due to the recent appearance of Cher in the talk of the town Burlesque. I added this movie because I wanted to prove to everyone that although Burlesque was a wonderfully, ridiculous mess...Cher was a star once. So, although Moonstruck is not one of my favorite all time movies, I have to tell you that Cher is absolutely brilliant in this. And hey, it's got Nicholas Cage too. He's a little scary. A little hairy. Meat cuter. Wife beater. But hey...does anyone remember City of Angels? Now he was alright in that. Playing an angel. Meg Ryan. Yeah. Anyway, if you're interested seeing Cher shine, see this movie.

7. American Splendor
I watched this one last night. So good. If you interested in comic books or Paul Giamatti habitually depressed, this is the movie for you! A very cool film about an obsessive compulsive comic book writer named Harvey Pekar who never gets a break. One of the best parts of this movie is that the actual Harvey Pekar is in it, as grumpy as ever! Hope Davis is really awesome in this movie as well. Makes you want to wear overalls and get straight-across bangs. Check this one out, very much worth it.

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