Monday, January 10, 2011

DIY Christmas

This holiday season, I decided to have a do-it-yourself Christmas. All my gifts were homemade, from home decor to jewelry. And man, was it work. My friend Andie decided to go DIY this holiday season too and you can check out her experience here.

Although I had to stop frequently for breaks over the weeks (which usually entailed a cup of white berry tea and an episode of Modern Family), it was a bundle of fun. I highly suggest it for anyone wanting to explore their creative side (and save a little moola).

Here are a few of the gifts I made this holiday season:

It says "My heart belongs where I belong"
Materials used: Canvas, paint, letter stencils
Materials used: Fabric, embroidery thread, stuffing, sewing machine
Materials used: Canvas, paint, crackle finish, newspaper pages
Materials used: Fabric, embroidery thread, stuffing, sewing machine

Materials used: Beads, hemp string, charms

It says "Glittercat loves his glitterbow"
Materials used: Fabric, stuffing, embroidery thread, sewing machine

"I love you to the moon and back"
Materials used: Fabric, stuffing, embroidery thread, sewing machine


  1. Girl, I'm LOVING these! It shows you how in sync we are that we both independently decided to have DIY Christmases! Very sweet gifts- love the silhouette pieces with the cat and girl, and the pillows are rockin. I really want to start sowing.... I have a machine, but it's just such hard work. Maybe you can teach me some day. Thanks for the blog mention :) I hope that at some point in life we will live in the same part of the country so we can craft together. I love you, friend! Best wishes for your new semester!

  2. That's so awesome, i love d.i.y christamses.
    It would help if I were crafty though... I usually bake goodies cuz that's all I can do :)
